Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Peranan Bahasa Indonesia

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

 Peranan bahasa Indonesia dalam konsep ilmiah.

Suatu karya seni tertulis maupun karya ilmiah membutuhkan suatu bahasa yang baku, yang dimengerti oleh pembacanya. Sebagai pengantar suatu karya ilmiah maupun isi dari karya itu sendiri sangat dibutuhkan bahasa yang baik dan baku. Bahasa Indonesia sendiri dinilai cukup baik untuk mengkomunikasikan bahasa ilmiah yang cukup sulit dimengerti, namun dalam dalam penggunaannya seringkali membutuhkan perhatian khusus, karena mungkin akan didapatkan pengertian yang tidak sesuai dengan yang seharusnya. Penggunaan kata serapan bahasa Indonesia terhadap suatu karya sangat membantu untuk memahami maksud dari karya tersebut.
  • Bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi
Indonesia memiliki beragam bahasa daerah dan sebagian masyarakatnya pun gemar untuk menggunakan kata serapan bahasa asing.
penggunaan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa pengantar dalam ilmu pengetahuan, menyebabkan bahasa Indonesia menyerap banyak kata dan istilah asing.
penggunaan kata-kata serapan baik dari bahasa daerah maupun bahasa asing justru menguatkan bahasa Indonesia. Masuknya suatu kata atau istilah asing, yang tentunya telah sesuai dengan kaidah bahasa Indonesia dan mengalami penyesuaian dalam penulisannya, justru memperkaya bahasa Indonesia. Hal ini menjadi bukti keterbukaan dan kelenturan bahasa Indonesia dalam menerima istilah dan kosakata asing. Kelenturan dan keterbukaan ini adalah dua dari beberapa syarat yang mampu menjadikan bahasa Indonesia sebagai bahasa yang akan semakin berkembang dan hidup dalam mengkomunikasikan suatu maksud pada khalayak umum baik melalui buku, penyampaian secara langsung maupun media komunikasi lainnya.
  • Bahasa sebagai alat mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan
Ilmu pengetahuan sering berjalan seiring perkembangan jaman dan kecanggihan teknoligi dan peranan bahasa Indonesia merupakan sarana penting untuk menunjang pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan tersebut.
bahasa Indonesia yang dipakai pada suatu karya ilmiah atau karya tulis lainnya diharapkan dapat mendukung publisitas dan mudah dimengerti oleh pembaca, sehingga ilmu yang diterima mudah dimengerti dan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat luas.

Tips Sehat Saat Menggunakan Toilet Umum

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

Kegiatan sehari-hari kita mengharuskan kita untuk menggunakan toilet umum. Misalnya dikantor, mall, kampus, stasiun, pom bensin, terminal dan tempat lainnya. Sekalipun terlihat bersih, toilet menyimpan jutaan kuman yang dapat mengkontaminasi kita sehingga saat daya tahan tubuh kita lemah,kita akan sakit dengan mudah. Berikut ini adalah beberapa tips untuk menggunakan toilet dengan aman :
  • Jangan meletakan barang bawaan anda dilantai toilet !
  • Sebelum digunakan, siramlah terlebih dahulu untuk membuang kuman yang tertinggal !
  • Jika menggunakan toilet duduk, seka terlebih dahulu dudukannya !
  • Jangan duduk di atas toilet yang terlihat basah !
  • Sebisa mungkin jangan menyentuh barang-barang yang ada didalam toilet !
  • Tutup tutupan kloset dengan menggunakan tisu, jangan dipegang langsung !
  • Jangan lupa mencuci tangan setelah menggunakan toilet !
  • Keringkan dengan tisu atau alat pengering tangan
  • Bila anda anda membawa cairan antisepsis alkohol yang tanpa dibilas, anda dapat menggunakan setelah mencuci tangan dan meninggalkan toilet.
Menggunakan toilet umum bukanlah hal yang menakutkan asalkan anda tahu bagaimana cara menggunakan dengan baik dan aman.

Wacana Singkat dan Pilihan Kata atau Diksi

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

1. Wacana Singkat dengan Memperhatikan EYD
Jatuhnya pesawat berkapasitas 266 penumpang airbus A300- 600 merupakan peristiwa kedua bagi American Airlines beberapa detik lepas landas dari bandar udara internasional O’Hare Chicago, tiba-tiba mesin kiri lepas dari dudukannya. Pilot tidak bisa mengendalikan pesawat akibat keseimbangan pesawat mendadak berubah dengan jatuhnya mesin berbobot sekitar 5 ton. Pesawat mendarat dan menghujam tempat parkir kendaraan 31 detik kemudian dan 271 penumpang plus awak tewas seketika. Kecelakaan lain menyangkut mesin copot dialami oleh pesawat kargo El-Al milik flag carier Israel, 4 Oktober 1992. Mesin nomor empat atau yang paling ujung pada sayap kanan, tiba-tiba lepas akibat dua fuse-pin (baut kedudukan mesin) lepas. Disusul kemudian oleh mesin nomor tiga. Mendadak kehilangan dua mesin, pilot tidak dapat mengendalikan pesawat dan menabrak gedung bertingkat di Amsterdam, Belanda. Empat awak tewas berikut 47 penghuni flat yang ditabrak.

2. Pilihan kata atau diksi :
Pengertian diksi : Diksi menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia pusat bahasa Departemen Pendidikan Indonesia adalah pilihan kata yg tepat dan selaras (dalam penggunaannya) untuk mengungkapkan gagasan sehingga diperoleh efek tertentu (seperti yang diharapkan).

Kriteria diksi :
Pemakaian kata mencakup dua masalah pokok, yakni pertama, masalah ketepatan memiliki kata untuk mengungkapkan sebuah gagasan atau ide. Kedua, masalah kesesuaian atau kecocokan dalam mempergunakan kata tersebut.

Hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan diksi :
Pilihan kata atau diksi mencakup pengertian kata-kata mana yang dipakai untuk menyampaikan suatu gagasan, bagaimana membentuk pengelompokan kata-kata yang tepat atau menggunakan ungkapan-ungkapan yang tepat, dan gaya mana yang paling baik digunakan dalam suatu situasi.
Ketepatan dan Kesesuaian Penggunaan Diksi
Agar dapat memilih kata-kata yang tepat, maka ada beberapa syarat yang harus diperhatikan berikut ini.
a. Kita harus bisa membedakan secara cermat kata-kata denitatif dan konotatif; bersinonim dan hampir bersinonim; kata-kata yang mirip dalam ejaannya, seperti :bawa-bawah, koorperasi-korporasi, interfensi-interferensi
b. Hindari kata-kata ciptaan sendiri atau mengutip kata-kata orang terkenal yang belum diterima di masyarakat.
c. Waspadalah dalam menggunaan kata-kata yang berakhiran asing atau bersufiks bahasa asing, seperti :Kultur-kultural, biologi-biologis, idiom-idiomatik, strategi-strategis, dan lain-lain
d. Kata-kata yang menggunakan kata depan harus digunbakan secara idiomatik, seperti kata ingat harus ingat akan bukan ingat terhadap, membahayakan sesuatu bukan membahayakan bagi, takut akan bukan takut sesuatu.
e. Kita harus membedakan kata khusus dan kata umum.
f. Kita harus memperhatikan perubahan makna yang terjadi pada kata-kata yang sudah dikenal.
g. Kita harus memperhatikan kelangsungan pilihan kata.
-Kata dan Gagasan
Dalam berkomunikasi , setiap orang menggunakan kata (bahasa). Para linguis sampai sekarang masih memperbincangkannya karena belum ada batasan yang mutlak tentang itu. Istilah kata bisa digunakan oleh para tatabahasawan tradisional. Menurut mereka, kataadalah satuan bahasan yang memiliki satu pengertian atau kata adalah deretan huruf yang diapit oleh dua buah spasi, dan mempunyai satu arti. Para tatabahasawan struktural, penganut aliran Bloomfield menyebutnya morfem. Batasan kata yang dibuat Bloomfield sendiri, yakni kata adalah satuan bebas terkecil (a minimal free form)(chaer, 1994 : 162-163)
Pilihan Kata
Pilihan akat atau diksi bukan hanya memilih kata-katayang cocok dan tepat untuk digunakan dalam mengungkapkan gagasan atau ide, tetapi juga menyangkut persoalan fraseologi (cara memakai kata atau frase di dalam konstruksi yang lebih luas, baik dalam bentuk tulisan maupun ujaran), ungkapan, dan gaya bahasa. Fraseologi mencakup persoalan kata-kata dalam pengelompokan atau susunannya, atau menyangkut cara-cara yang khusus berbentuk ungkapan-ungkapan. Pemilihan gaya bahasa yang akan digunakan pun merupakan kegiatan memilih kata menyangkut gaya-gaya ungkapan secara individu.
Makna Kata dan Jenisnya
Kata yang merupakan satuan bebas terkecil mempunyai dua aspek, yakni aspek bentuk atau ekspresi dan aspek isi atau makna. Bentuk bahasa adalah sesuatu yang dapat dicerna oleh pancaindra, baik didengan maupun dilihat. Isi atau makna adalah segi yang menimbulkan reaksi atau respon dalam pikiran pendengar atau pembaca karena rangsangan atau stimulus aspek bentuk tadi. Kalau seseorng berkata, “pergi!” kepada kita, maka akan timbul reaksi dalam pikiran kita diam sekarang”. Dengan demikian, kata pergi merupakan bentuk atau ekspresi dan isinya atau maknanya merupakan reaksi seseorang atas perintah tadi.
Perubahan Makna Kata
Bahasa bersifat dinamis sehingga dapat menimbulkan kesulitan bagi pemakai yang kurang mengikuti perubahannya. Ketepatan suatu kata untuk mewakili atau melambangkan suatu benda, peristiwa, sifat, dan keterangan, bergantung pada maknanya, yakni hubungan antara lambang bunyi (bentuk/kata) dengan referennya.

How to Make Complaint Letter

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

Writing a letter of complaint is something most people have to do at some point in their lives. Whether you’re dissatisfied with a company’s product or service, it is usually possible to resolve the issue in a mutually beneficial way, through a firm but polite letter of complaint. Writing a complaint letter should not be complicated or scary – all you need to do is clearly state the facts and politely request a resolution.

How to Write a Complaint Letter
– Include your name, address, and home and work phone numbers.
– Type your letter if possible. If it is handwritten, make sure it is neat and easy to read.
– Make your letter brief and to the point. Include all important facts about your purchase, including the date and place where you made the purchase and any information you can give about the product or service such as serial or model numbers or specific type of service.
– State exactly what you want done about the problem and how long you are willing to wait to get it resolved. Be reasonable. Include all documents regarding your problem. Be sure to send COPIES, not originals.
– Avoid writing an angry, sarcastic, or threatening letter. The person reading your letter probably was not responsible for your problem but may be very helpful in resolving it.
- Keep a copy of the letter for your records.

Sample Complaint Letter
Name of Contact Person, if available
Title, if available
Company Name
Consumer Complaint Division, if you have no contact person
Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Dear (Contact Person):
Re: (account number, if applicable)
On (date), I (bought, leased, rented, or had repaired) a (name of the product, with serial or model number or service performed) at (location and other important details of the transaction).
Unfortunately, your product (or service) has not performed well (or the service was inadequate) because (state the problem). I am disappointed because (explain the problem: for example, the product does not work properly, the service was not performed correctly, I was billed the wrong amount, something was not disclosed clearly or was misrepresented, etc.). To resolve the problem, I would appreciate it if you could (state the specific action you want—money back, charge card credit, repair, exchange, etc.). Enclosed are copies of my records (include copies of receipts, guarantees, warranties, canceled checks, contracts, model and serial numbers, and any other documents).
I look forward to your reply and a resolution to my problem, and will wait until (set a time limit) before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me at the above address or by phone at (home and/or office numbers with area code).

Your name

Enclosure(s) cc: (reference to whom you are sending a copy of this letter, if anyone)

Sumber :

How to Make Order Letter

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

An order letter is the same as a purchase order. In an order letter, you will give the place where you are purchasing an item detailed instructions for fulling your order. It is also considered a legal record of that transaction. An order letter is a business letter which confirms the details of a purchase of services or goods from one party to another. Also, such terms as a letter of order or a PO (purchase order) can be used. The purpose of an order letter is to give the necessary instructions to the seller to fulfill an order successfully. The paper track of a particular transaction starts with it. Since an order letter serves as a legal proof of an agreement, it should be written carefully. A customer should provide detailed information about their order, such as the model number, quantity, size, color, the payment terms, etc. When another party receives the letter, they will start processing the order and, if all necessary details are mentioned, dispatch the merchandise as soon as possible.

This is the step to make the Order Letter :
– Write a separate paragraph for each item, using double spacing between paragraphs.
– Clearly indicate the item number or the product code, the quantity, color and size being ordered.
– Specify the mode of payment.
– An order letter should also contain information about the cost of the price, such as taxes, so that there is no misunderstanding when making a payment.
– If you have already paid any advance against the order, you should mention it in the letter.
– Specify the relevant details related to the terms and conditions agreed upon by you and the other party involved.
– Indicate the preferable mode of shipping.
– Point out a deadline delivery date.
and last i give you example of Order Letter :
Fashion Inc
JL. Dr. Laimena
Maluku , Indonesia
May 27,2013
Mozza Butique
Gotta, 2rd Floor
Tual, Maluku Tenggara
Dear Sir or Madam,
As per our discussions on March 28, 2013 we are pleased to place an order for 3 lussin of t-shirt on the following terms and conditions:
The cost of each t-shirt will be Rp. 45.000/piece (exclude tax)
Delivery will be done within 3-4 days from the order date
Damage items in transit are not the responsibility of Mozza Butique
If the order is not delivered as per the above terms and conditions, the order stands cancelled and money can back 100%

We shall appreciate your shipping that albums immediately to our office in JL. Dr Laimena
Maluku, Indonesia. Payment we will made with transfer banking to your account on May 31 2013.
Hoping to have a good relationship with you.
Best regards,
(Ina Mona)
The reason I make it ==> I think, order the t-shirt will be easy and have big profit for a bussines again because now is modern world that always to follow a style of fashion
Please enjoy it. 

Sumber : 


Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

A short message is usually called memo or memorandum. Memo used in authorized situations. Memo is an official letter that is brief and used internally within an agency or institution. Memo can be a warning, command, and questions. Text message is also commonly used in the family, to a situation that is not authorized. Un official short message also has functions same like memo, which is a short message from superiors to subordinates within the agency or institution. In the family, this message is used by a father to son or from brother to sister.
Memos should have the following sections and content:

– A ‘To’ section containing the name of the receiver. For informal memos, the receiver’s given name; e.g. ‘To: Andy’ is enough. For more formal memos, use the receiver’s full name. If the receiver is in another department, use the full name and the department name. It is usually not necessary to use Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms unless the memo is very formal.

– A ‘From’ section containing the name of the sender. For informal memos, the sender’s other name; e.g. ‘From: Bill’ is enough. For more formal memos, use the sender’s full name. If the receiver is in another department, use the full name and the department name. It is usually not necessary to use Mr., Mrs., Miss or Ms unless the memo is very formal.

– A ‘Date’ section. To avoid confusion between the British and American date systems, write the month as a word or an abbreviation; e.g. ‘January’ or ‘Jan’.

– A Subject Heading.
- The message.
Unless the memo is a brief note, a well-organised memo message should contain the following sections: Situation – an Introduction or the purpose of the memo
Problem (optional) – for example: “Since the move to the new office in Kowloon Bay, staff have difficulty in finding a nearby place to buy lunch.”
Solution (optional) – for example: “Providing a microwave oven in the pantry would enable staff to bring in their own lunchboxes and reheat their food.”
Action – this may be the same as the solution, or be the part of the solution that the receiver needs to carry out; e.g. “we would appreciate it if you could authorise up to $3,000″
Politeness – to avoid the receiver refusing to take the action you want, it is important to end with a polite expression; e.g. “Once again, thank you for your support.”, or more informally “Thanks”.

– Signature
This is optional
it is an example of simple memo, now i will tell you about part of Memo :
Part of Memo :
1. To ……
2. From ….
3. Date ….
4. Subject …..
5. Body.
6. Closing.

Example Memo :
– Anda berperan sebagai seorang dosen yang akan memberikan kuliah tambahan. Kendati demikian, semua siswa belum mengetahui hal ini dan anda meminta seseorang untuk menyampaikan sebuah memo kepada ketua di kelas yang akan mendapatkan kuliah tambahan.
(1) To : Randika Satria
(2) From : Prof. Dr. Muhammad Insan, M.Pd.
(3) Date : June 21st, 2013
(4) Subject : Additional Class of Psycholinguistics

(5) In Saturday morning exactly at 7.30 A.M., we will hold an additional class for a psycholinguistics because your material in preparing for the final examination is not fulfilled enough. Tell all of your friend. (6) Then enjoy my class.
– other example memo :

Sumber : 

Tips and Trik About Interview

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

Worry about interview when u want to get a job??? hhaha dont think like that. Now i wanna share you about tips n trik about interview. But first lets talk about the company. U have to know visi n missi that company to give first impression during an interview.Then next we talk about ur self… this is something u have to do.

Regarding clothing should be worn. Both of men and women should wear clothes that are neat and in accordance with the company’s image. Even though the company was moving in the world of communication. For women wear dress shirts, do not wear jeans.At bottoms could skirt or pants or perhaps stockings. Wear makeup do not over and avoid wearing flat shoe. Use high heels too make ur perfomance look cool :D.

When the interview is important for applicants to come early.Coz with come early, the applicants have sufficient time to prepare for the interview.

I think this is the most important thing u have to prepare that is confidence.Stay calm n relax, try do something to make ur feels good like singing with the small voice before the interview or listening the music.

When u have the time to give the question dont nervous n quite. Try give question about the company or ur job. Like the description about ur job later.

Sumber :

EXAMPLE OF MAKING CV ( Contoh Surat Lamaran Kerja )

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937


Merly Ranny MUstamu S.KOM
Pama’an street, depok kelapa dua
082113369496 (Mobile)

Professional Profile
Iam an IT operation who is so enthusiastic. Able to understand the diverse ideas and works very well with a very high motivation. Able to work under pressure and have a great ability to work effectively. Have excellent systems thinking, interpersonal skills, smooth communication, good negotiation skills and the great ability to develop and to maintain internal and external relationships to be able to mutually beneficial. Enjoyed every working environment and team collaboration system has a highly structured and well.
Career Summary

2013 – February 2014
1.Be the IT staff at a banking company in Indonesia
2.Train staff to be able to plunge into the world of blogging and the internet to know well
3.Coordinate well with other staff in finding clients and improve a company’s earnings

Education and Qualifications
S-1 Degree Computer System Of Gunadarma University 2010-2014
Senior High School in SMAN 1 Ambon 2006-2009

Professional Development
Team Leadership (2014)
Presentation Skills (2014)

 IT Skills
• Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, Internet, Blog, Online Marketing and Email
Personal Details
Driving Licence : Full/Clean
Health : Excellent;
Interests: Computer, Football, Hunting

The Following Tips Listen Properly

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

1. Focus on the sound source
2. Concentration
3. Try not to talk to to other people when listening the voice
4. Make notes or summaries of the sound source
5. Then to test the power of listening to us, invent a process to answer questions about the material the sound source is to determine how the level we are listening.
Because listening is a listening process that contains the element of intent. That is a process that includes listening to the sound, identify, interpret, evaluate, and reacting the meaning contained in it.

Business Letter ( Surat Bisnis )

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937
A business letter is usually used when writing from one company to another, or for correspondence between such organizations and their customers, clients and other external parties. The overall style of letter will depend on the relationship between the parties concerned. There are many reasons to write a business letter. It could be to request direct information or action from another party, to order supplies from a supplier, to identify a mistake that was committed, to reply directly to a request, to apologize for a wrong or simply to convey goodwill. Even today, the business letter is still very useful because it produces a permanent record, is confidential, formal and delivers persuasive, well-considered messages.
* Part of Business Letter :
There are seven part of writing business letter :
1. The Heading
The heading contains the return address with the date on the last line. Sometimes it is necessary to include a line before the date with a phone number, fax number, or e-mail address. Often there is a line skipped between the address and the date. It is not necessary to type a return address if you are using stationery with the return address already imprinted, but you should always use a date. Make sure the heading is on the left margin.
2. Recipient’s Address
This is the address you are sending your letter to. Be sure to make it as complete as possible so it gets to its destination. Always include title names (such as Dr.) if you know them. This is, like the other address, on the left margin. If a standard 8 ½” x 11” paper is folded in thirds to fit in a standard 9” business envelope, the inside address should appear through the window in the envelope (if there is one). Be sure to skip a line after the heading and before the recipient’s address, then skip another line after the inside address before the greeting. For an example, see the end of this sheet for a sample letter.
3. The Salutation
The salutation (or greeting) in a business letter is always formal. It often begins with “Dear {Person’s name}.” Once again, be sure to include the person’s title if you know it (such as Ms., Mrs., Mr., or Dr). If you’re unsure about the person’s title then just use their first name. For example, you would use only the person’s first name if the person you are writing to is “Jordan” and you’re not sure if he or she is male or female. The salutation always ends with a colon.
4. The Body
The body is the meat of your letter. For block and modified block letter formats, single space and left justify each paragraph. Be sure to leave a blank line between each paragraph, however, no matter the format. Be sure to also skip a line between the salutation and the body, as well as the body and the close.
5. The Complimentary Close
The complimentary close is a short and polite remark that ends your letter. The close begins at the same justification as your date and one line after the last body paragraph. Capitalize the first word of your closing (Thank you) and leave four lines for a signature between the close and the sender’s name. A comma should follow the closing.
6. The Signature Line
Skip at least four lines after the close for your signature, and then type out the name to be signed. This often includes a middle initial, although it is not required. Women may put their title before had to show how they wish to be addressed (Ms., Mrs., Miss).
The signature should be in blue or black ink.

7. Enclosures
If you have any enclosed documents, such as a resume, you can indicate this by typing “Enclosures” one line below the listing. You also may include the name of each document.

* Style of Business Letter :
There are two main styles of business letters:
1. Full block style with Align all elements on the left margin.
2. Modified block style with other elements on the left page margin.

* Format of a Business Letter :
In a standard format letter,
1.uses a colon after the salutation.
2.uses a comma after the complimentary closing.

In an open format letter,
(1) uses no punctuation after the salutation,
(2) uses no punctuation after the complimentary closing.

In a Block format letter,
(1) all text is aligned to the left margin,
(2) paragraphs are not indented.

In a Semi-Block format letter
(1) all text is aligned to the left margin,
(2) paragraphs are indented.
(3) paragraphs are separated by double or triple spacing.

Modified Block
In a Modified Block format letter,
(1) all text is aligned to the left margin, except for the author’s address, date, and closing; and
(2) paragraphs are not indented. The author’s address, date, and closing begin at the center point.

Modified Semi-Block
In a Modified Semi-Block format letter,
(1) all text is aligned to the left margin, except for the author’s address, date, and closing; and
(2) paragraphs are indented. The author’s address, date, and closing are usually indented in same position

* Example Of Business Letter :
3519 Front Street
Mount Celebres, CA 65286October 5, 2004Ms. Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534

Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.
In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we’ll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.
I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555.Sincerely, Signature
Bob Powers

Accounts Receivable

Sumber :