Senin, 13 Januari 2014

Tips and Trik About Interview

Nama : Havizal Akram
NPM : 29110937

Worry about interview when u want to get a job??? hhaha dont think like that. Now i wanna share you about tips n trik about interview. But first lets talk about the company. U have to know visi n missi that company to give first impression during an interview.Then next we talk about ur self… this is something u have to do.

Regarding clothing should be worn. Both of men and women should wear clothes that are neat and in accordance with the company’s image. Even though the company was moving in the world of communication. For women wear dress shirts, do not wear jeans.At bottoms could skirt or pants or perhaps stockings. Wear makeup do not over and avoid wearing flat shoe. Use high heels too make ur perfomance look cool :D.

When the interview is important for applicants to come early.Coz with come early, the applicants have sufficient time to prepare for the interview.

I think this is the most important thing u have to prepare that is confidence.Stay calm n relax, try do something to make ur feels good like singing with the small voice before the interview or listening the music.

When u have the time to give the question dont nervous n quite. Try give question about the company or ur job. Like the description about ur job later.

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